She's admittedly probably a better example than most. Honestly while reading the article and then this response, the phrase "no gods, no masters, no heroes, no saints" came to mind -- with the sad realisation that no heroes really does mean none, I don't think a good counterexample was possible there. It feels hard to live like that though, truly not having shining examples.
She's admittedly probably a better example than most. Honestly while reading the article and then this response, the phrase "no gods, no masters, no heroes, no saints" came to mind -- with the sad realisation that no heroes really does mean none, I don't think a good counterexample was possible there. It feels hard to live like that though, truly not having shining examples.
She's admittedly probably a better example than most. Honestly while reading the article and then this response, the phrase "no gods, no masters, no heroes, no saints" came to mind -- with the sad realisation that no heroes really does mean none, I don't think a good counterexample was possible there. It feels hard to live like that though, truly not having shining examples.
Maybe, but at the same time it allows us to become our own heroes.
You can be inspired by someone, by their work, without making them your hero. That's the way I try to approach things.
Oh that is a nice way of looking at things. Thank you.