Indeed. Bricks have many purposes, and not one human right has ever been taken from those trying to keep it away by asking politely.

If I picked up a brick and threw it at one of their glass houses, I might smash a window, and they'd come get me.

If a hundred or a thousand of us or more pick up bricks and start smashing through all of their glass houses, they can't possibly come for us all. They have to listen because the teetering houses of cards they build as arguments against us just don't hold up.

Very tired today. Please excuse any of my philosophising that didn't make sense!

I always enjoy reading your posts, they make me think. Don't always drop a comment but sometimes I wanna 🙂

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Doc Impossible


I just wanted to say that I've been reading your blog posts over the last few months, and I've found them informative, challenging, inspirational, and... they help me feel not as alone any more.

Thank you so much. Xxx

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I'm very, very glad. That not-so-alone bit? That's the reason I write them. =)

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Doc Impossible

Hi Doc. Quick update: I've got a new job, attended an interview for a possibly even BETTER one, making progress with my transition, and feeling more free than... well... ever.

You keep on going, you hear? What you do MATTERS.

ttyl and ttfn

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That's awesome!

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